Rituals With Amanita
Many of us today feel a lot of anxiety and confusion. Even after using entheogens there's still the overwhelm of dealing with life. I have talked from the beginning that using entheogens is just the start of the changes and awakenings. Society has removed many ancient practices from our every day existence that was necessary for our mental health.
Most indigenous cultures kept those practices alive. Trying to erase cultures starts with removing these practices because it cripples humans to remove the way were made to live. My videos and education center around not only the use of amanita and my own personal journey but also around bringing back these practices as way of life again.
One of those practices is rituals. Rituals are a basic part of being human. Humans have been ritualizing food, medicines, celebrations, art and community since we could walk upright. Ancient sites that predate monuments and ruins show us this. Artifacts from ancient peoples show us this. The loss of rituals is why we have holidays devoted to buying things or sports. When we begin to give our bodies an outlet for a need we didn't even know existed, we start to calm and feel grounded. Rituals begin to create safety in places we didn't even know we weren't feeling safe. Sometimes when you land you realize just how stressed you were.
With rituals we give purpose and meaning to our cravings for belonging and grounding, community and the deep reverence we find ourselves in when we start this journey. Amanita is the quintessential ritualistic mushroom and they love it too!
See how humans already use this mushroom in art and to reference mushrooms in general? We love the amanita even before we might actually meet amanita! Learning how to put rituals into practice will be a monumental step forward in your healing and in your daily life.

Here's the course outline:
Day 1 Intro to muscaria rituals, ancient ritual, new ritual and why we ritual. What the mushrooms wish and remember and why we are bringing it back. Basic tools you'll need. How to set up and use your altar.
Day 2 Celestial based rituals, equinoxes, solstices and moons. Drum circles, finding, establishing.
Day 3 Personal Rituals- banishing, tea ceremonies, boundaries, grieving, honoring/welcoming, celebrating, body rituals, oils.
Day 4 Time Based Rituals- Dailies, Weeklies, Monthlies, Annuals, Event Based Rituals- Festival of Lights, Winter Work, Samhain etc.
Day 5 Substance Based Rituals- Low and High Dose Amanita rituals, Nature Rituals with Amanita, Cacao and Amanita ceremony, Sexual Ceremonies with Amanita, Blue Lotus and Amanita smoke ceremony
Includes- A coupon code for a free month's membership in our private MushroomVoice community. A $5 off coupon for the MushroomVoice store with no minimum purchase necessary.
The workshop is $45 with access to the pre-recorded classes for 30 days. Select Subscribe below to get started.
Amanita Rituals Workshop

Rituals Class Day 1

Rituals Class Day 2

Ritual Class Day 3

Ritual Class Day 4